Our Love Story

+Met in the fall of 2011 at Snow College in Ephriam, Utah
+Started flirting over a game of Skip Bo
+I loved his eyes and physique, He loved my hair and eyes
+Spent every waking minute together (when we weren't in class)

+First date was spotting for deer, then talking over cheeseburgers and hot chocolate.
+Lots of Jazz games, fancy dates, and snowmobiling trips.

+February 8, 2012, He finally put a ring on it.
+lots of wedding planning in the middle of class.
+Hugs, kisses, and lot of blue and brown later, we were ready!

+May 18,2012 was the day I married the sweetest guy I know for eternity in the Manti Temple.
+Yummy, food, minimal dancing, and driving off into the sunset was how it began!



  1. THis is crazy!! The first thing that caught my eye was the date February 8th is my husbands birthday & May 18th is my dad's birthday!! Love your story!! So many beautiful wedding this year :)

    1. I just read that you just got married, Congratulations to you! and thanks, I love our story as well haha!

  2. This is seriously the cutest love story ever! That is so sweet how he proposed to you - I probably would have been totally oblivious too ;D Not to mention I am diggin' the pictures of you guys in cowboy boots!

  3. What cute country love story! You're pictures are beautiful as well. :)


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