Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Guest Post >>>>>> Love Court, XOXO

Hey guys! We have Courtenay (not Courtney) today here from Love Court XOXO! She is absolutely adorable and here to tell you a little about her love story! Take it away Court!


 I love love- always have, always will. So it shouldn’t come as a surprise that I love a good love story. And I figure, since I love a good love story, there has to be somebody else out there who loves reading love stories too. That’s why I decided to share a love story with you, readers of Hansen Love!  
This one I am about to share is my favorite for one major reason, it’s mine.
Let’s go back to the week of my high school graduation. It was summer (I know summer is great everywhere, but there is something about a Michigan summer that is magical. If you ever have time to go on a vacation in June/July/Aug- come to Michigan. You won’t be disappointed), I was finally graduating high school, and I had all the time in the world to hang out with my best friends. In my eyes, life was perfect. There wasn’t anything I would change.

I remember this specific night like it was yesterday. It was about 9:00 pm and I was sitting in my high school parking lot with two of my friends (waiting to meet up with another person), when I received a text message from someone who I had never talked to before. He said his name was Zack Coleman. I knew vaguely who this Zack Coleman was (his younger sister was in my graduating class), but I had never seen/talked/ect to him. I must have been feeling a little spontaneous that night because I texted him back. I normally didn’t text random guys back, just wasn’t my style.  Of course the first thing I said to him was, “How did you get my number?” His response was, “Your mom gave it to me and said that I should hang out with you sometime.” Imagine my shock hearing that my MOM was handing out my phone number. So, that next morning (I had slept over at my friend’s house) I called my mom and asked her if she had given my phone number out. Her response was, “No.” That’s right, she lied about giving Zack my number, making him look totally creepy for about 5 mins (she finally confessed, silly mom).

Once I finally got it out of her that it was her and Zack didn’t make the whole story up, she urged me to have dinner with him. Since I always did what my parents told me (I was good that way), I had dinner with him at a local Ann Arbor restaurant, Zingermans. I ordered mac n’ cheese. I don’t remember, but I can make a pretty safe guess that he ordered a hamburger (He always does when we go out to eat). We split an order of sweet potato fries. That dinner lead to more dinners which lead to a whole summer of dinners, and before I knew it, I was engaged. So, I guess that means two things. 1) I get to have dinner dates with him for the rest of my life and 2) Moms really do know what’s best for their kids.
You can read more about my real life love story, daily adventures, and wedding planning at Love Court, XOXO. If you stop by, please say hi!

Ps. I already told you how I love love, so obviously I would love to hear about how you met your boyfriend/fiancé/husband/partner in crime. Please share your story in the comments.


Isn't she just adorable!? Both of them! I love hearing love stories! They are my favorite ever! Thanks for sharing today Court!! Go check her out, her blog is so cute, and I love seeing all of her fun pictures on instagram!! 
Have a great day everyone!

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