There are days when I really want to write a blog post but all I can think to write about is this squirmy little baby and food. My mind pretty much has gone blank, and I'm blaming it on the pregnancy.
So thank goodness for Brooklyn from A little to Jolley for making this list of ideas because really.. I need some!
So I'm going to tell you about my worst date.
The date itself was okay, but it was really more the way my date, himself, acted!
I was a junior in high school and I had FINALLY become friends with a guy that I had had a crush on since 6th grade! His curly hair is really what got me. In a way he reminded me of Dierks Bentley. **drool** If you don't know who I'm talking about, go Google him and fall in love!
I came home from school one day and there was a big huge boulder sitting on my front porch that had a big 'No' written on it. So for some reason I went to the back door and there was an envelope sitting on the back porch with a feather that said 'yes' and some pieces of paper.
Such a cleaver idea! So I brought both the rock and the feather back to his porch and hid eggs around his yard with one painted plastic one with my answer inside. And of course I had some funny saying with it. But it was decided we were going to homecoming together.
I was so excited because all of my friends were in my group for our date. And from the rumors I had heard we were going to have some major fun! We went down to a friends farm and shot some clay pigeons for a while and swung on the tire swing. I was participating in the fun, all the while my date was off flirting with another girl who he had dated in the past. I just brushed it off and continued to have fun instead of dwelling on the fact that my date was off having his own date.
It didn't bother me so much because I had an amazing group of friends and we all had fun together no matter what.
When we were done at the farm we went to a round robin dinner. That is where you have a different part of the meal at a different house. (appetizers, entrée, dessert) My date and I rode together and we were having a great time, until we were at one house for the entrée and he was texting one of my friends in our group, at the table, while I was sitting next to him. That drove me a little crazy, but again I tried to brush it off because I knew that this friend wouldn't do that to her date.
After our meals, the boys took us home to get ready for the dance. I came home and told my mom about my date and tried to pass over the part where my date was off doing other things while I was the third wheel, and put my dress and a smile on. I was going to enjoy this dance!
He came and picked me up, we took pictures, and off to the dance we went.
We had gone into the dance and waited with some of our friends until the rest of our group showed up. My date and I danced a few dances, we took our group pictures, and went back to dancing. That is when my date went off with the same girl from earlier on in the day and spent the rest of the dance with her. I broke loose to one of my close friends and that's when she pulled me in with her date and us three danced for the rest of the night.
This guy and I stayed friends after that dance, but nothing else ever happened. But I realized how much I appreciated my friends for taking me in and making it a fun night.
What was your worst date??
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