Friday, February 1, 2013

Just a list

Few things.
-I am so happy I have tomorrow off to sleep in.... Or probably wake up early
and go snowmobiling.
-Today is the first day of February.
- I love when I'm late for work and hit every green light, and get the best
 parking spot. I'm looking for the Lord's hand in the little things.
-I'm watching teen mom right now. I  don't know why.
-I love this blog, this one, and this one.
-I need to go to the gym.
-I love those old people that smile when they drive. 
-This blog has reached 30 followers. At 50 I'm going a giveaway
of Lia Sophia Jewelry.
- I love making J laugh. best ever.

Happy Friday, and super bowl. Go Niners.

1 comment:

  1. -sleeping in is the best feeling.
    -you're luck cos when I'm late I hit every red possible
    -HIT THE GYM! :)


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