Tuesday, July 29, 2014


In case you missed on social media yesterday, We are so excited to announce that we are adding a Baby H to our house in February 2015! 

**The bump is not nearly this big! This is after satisfying a big craving of Cracker Barrel. Baby H was super happy after this**


  1. Congrats! That is so exciting! :)

  2. I am so so excited for you! More excited than I am for people normally I think because I've been hoping and praying for you guys since your miscarriages and especially since mine, knowing the feelings of that loss and the desire to be a mom. HOORAY!!!

  3. Congratulations!! How exciting :)

  4. Ahhh congratulations, Jaxson and I are SOOOO excited for you!! <3

  5. Congratulations! I’m going to book an event space nyc to have a baby shower for my best friend who is 6 months pregnant. I’m so excited about it, I have a nice decoration theme thought out.


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