You guys! I have a super fun surprise for today. I have a friend of mine, Carmina Hughes guest posting today. I met her in my college ward my first year in college. My sister always thought she was me, and I am oh so flattered! She's gorgeous. Her and her husband got married a month after Jake and I. They are adorable, here she is....
Hello everybody! :)
I'm so glad to be here at Hansen Love!
I'm Carmina Hughes from Jaron {&} Carmina
and I probably have an unhealthy addiction to blogging. I could spend all day blogging- and what I mean by that is, I spend all day blogging.
I hope to get back into college and major in graphic design so that I can keep this love of mine alive and make money from it! Holla! But as for now, I'm your average housewife who sits at home for all hours of the day and pins to Pinterest, stalks people on Facebook, and vicariously lives through others via their super cute and exciting blogs.
I started blogging about two years ago when I graduated and left home. My blog was mostly just personal stuff- so basically I was writing in my journal but putting it up on the internet for the world to see. But since then, my blog has seen some change. Don't be disappointed, I still post about my personal life so you won't be missing out on any juicy details, but I want my blog to grow! (heh. don't we all?) Rather than just personal juicy stuff, I want to host giveaways, add yummy recipes, fun crafts, and helpful tutuorials on everything from hair and beauty to how to change a tire. (Just kidding. I probably won't do a tutorial on that. But you get the idea.)
Please, feel free to follow me! I sure do love people. :) While you're there, grab a button.. Share the LOVE!!
Anyway, I couldn't think of a topic to post about so the lovely April assigned me one.
Topic: What Jaron and I have learned so far in our marriage.
Jaron and I have been married nine months and counting!
here are some pictures from our beautiful day...
The past nine months have been amazing and aggravating, breath taking yet trying, fun and beautiful, crazy but calm, bumpy and rocky, silly and strange, and easy yet hard. These past months have been anything and everything from walking out of the room in frustration, to laughing so hard we cried. And that's the beauty of it all I think... because, it isn't all rainbows and butterflies like I always thought it would be.
It's better than that.
I have learned so much about the man I married, and so much about marriage itself!
I have learned that Jaron does really, really weird things sometimes. He also does things that irritate me. But he also does things that make me love him like crazy. So it's all good. :)
Some of the weird things that he does are..
- He washes his face in the kitchen sink with dish soap and dries his face with a wash rag.
weird right? I promise we do have face wash and clean wash cloths in the bathroom.. but.. he just does his own thing I guess.
- this one has to be told in a story..
The other day I looked over at him sitting on the couch and he had one of his socks pressed to his face. I asked him what he was doing and he told me that he cut himself shaving and was drying up the blood. with a sock. haha! I laughed at him cause it was so weird and funny all at the same time. :)
mmm.. the things that irritate me.. (I need to be careful with this one. ;)
The things that irritate me irritated me WAY bad when we first got married, but I decided it wasn't a big deal. So when he does something that bugs me.. I let him know nicely, or punch him in the back.
-He farts. of course, right? Everyone farts. But Jaron's farts always smell like rotten egg fart. mixed with old parmesan cheese. And what he does almost EVERY night is right when I'm am about to fall asleep.. like I am so. SO close to being asleep I am pretty much already dreaming... he farts. He farts his big, insta-stink, rotten, egg parmesan farts. aaaand that's when I punch him in the back.
- He also doesn't cover things when he puts them in the fridge. Like, we had made this really good chip dip the other day, and I asked him to put it away.. so he did. He just put the bowl right in the fridge. without covering it up. So the next day, I told him that he needed to cover things up when he puts them in the fridge or they go bad. So the next day after that.. I go to look in the fridge and there is a bowl sitting right side up, with a plastic grocery bag around it. I asked what it was and he said, "Well. you told me to cover things up!"
You know, the things he does that make me love him like crazy could go on forever. This list probably could go on for just about as long as we are going to be married. (which is eternity if you didn't know.)
He is so kind, and selfless.
He always does what I ask, even if he has to throw a little fit first.
He is so good about taking turns as to who takes the dog out.
His smile lights up this whole basement apartment that we live in.
He is actually a really great "housewife". When I come home from work the house is spotless and the laundry and dishes are done. He is so SO wonderful in that way.
He always does little things for me just to let me know that he pays attention to me. Like, he makes me posters when I come home from work, and he buys me Horton Hears A Who when I tell him I wish I had that movie. He buys me greek yogurt when I want some, and he rubs my shoulders and back when I don't even ask him to.
He is such a good example to me. sometimes I try to convince myself that I'm too tired to kneel and pray, but he always makes me get on my knees to say my night time prayers, and he's always reminding me to read my scriptures before bed. :)
Like I said, this list could go on forever.. but.....
It's my husband's turn to write. :)
Okay so we've been married for nine months now, and I gotta say it wasn't all glamorous. But for the most part it has been the best thing ever. :) For the first monthish of our marriage we were still working out the kinks of who liked what and who did what and stuff like that. That kind of caused a lot of arguing and bitterness. We spent sometimes thinking what our spouse could do for us instead of what we could do for the other. Which is where we have grown a lot. We do bash on each other a lot when we come home to Mesquite about who does what disgusting thing but its all in good fun and we know were not 100% serious.
Anyway for the past couple of months we just decided to improve on things were not so great at. Like.....
-Arguing about who needs to take the dog out
-Comparing who has done more things for the other to get them to do something for you
-Doing little things to show we love each other
-Reading scriptures/praying
So we have actually done really well. I think we have become alot more selfless these last couple of months to the point that we just have this system that works now. We really cant stay mad at each other for more than 5 minutes without laughing about it because its so dumb. And that is when a marriage becomes fun, rewarding, exciting and lovable.
So since Carmina bashed on me for a few things i do believe it is my turn. (but i do love her :) )
1. She leaves hair pretty's / rubber bands/ bobby pins / head bands and all your other girly knick knacks... EVERYWHERE.
2. This woman feeds our dog any and everything. You name it. Capri Suns, powdered sugar, burnt fish, cinnamon eggs?, Sour Patch Kids. And then this is the great part.....
3. She gets mad when Cliff poops in the house ESPECIALLY when its all nasty with diarrhea because she knows its because that's what she fed him!
4. She gathers all the hair up that comes off her head in the shower and straight SLAPS it against the wall. And leaves it. And still clogs the drain somehow. i don't even know.
She does have mostly good moments though because she is always pushing me to be better. Getting me to be more social in the new ward and helping me with things like keeping the sabbath holy :)
She scratches my back in church and even though its only for like 30 seconds its the best thing in the world!
She 95% of the time cleans up after meals and makes sure im super spoiled all the time.
She is super patient with me even though im a weirdo and do weird things. And we have a teenage girl for a dog so i know she will be a good mom already! :)
She knows everything i like now and everything i dont like.
She loves to watch movies 100 times. The one were on right now is horton hears a who. Which is currently playing in the front room :)
She always takes the coolest looking notes in church and i get way jealous because she has all sorts of colors and stuff like that.
Well.... i think im done talking about my awesome wife because Cliff just farted and it stinks so i need to move...
I love Carmina Joy and im so glad i get to be with that crazy woman forever! :)
Thanks for letting us share some of our lives with YOU! :) We look forward to having you :)

Seriously. They are adorable! and it's so true. Marriage isn't always glamorous, but it's the best thing to be with your best friend everyday! Thank you Carmina and Jaron!!!
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